The average life of a not-so-average nine year old.... a kidblogger's adventure (with a little help from his HappyHourMom)

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Adventure Begins

School is Cool,
"Recess Rocks"
The good, the bad, and the everything in between...

The average life,

of a not-so-average

nine year old.
.a kidblogger's adventure

with a little help from his


tracey clark said...

sweeeeet!love it Nick. can't wait to hear about all your adventtures! xo auntie tracey

Becky SIlke said...

Thanks! I'm excited too.


Jessica Fuselier said...

Dude, not only does Recess Rock...
But YOU ROCK too!!!

Coolest kid blogger on the block!

Love Your #1 Fan, Cousin Kaia